
Sunday, April 14, 2019

H2H Check-In

I have three quilts ready to donate for the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge!

The first two are baby quilts, made from orphan blocks left over from a quilt-along I petered out on a while back. 

I'm glad to have gotten them together and finished up in these past few weeks.  These will go to Jack's Basket.

The third is a scrappy string quilt made using Sarah's On-Line tutorial.  I quilted it a couple days ago with long vertical wavy lines.  

Simple but effective.  In fact, I love the effect!  I think I need to make another one to keep.  :)

(Back of On-Line quilt - using a border print in center.)
This one will go to Happy Chemo.

Linking to:  Confessions of a Fabric Addict - First Check-In