Monday, June 10, 2024

Bramble Blooms II Background

I've been working on the second in a series Bramble Blooms quilt (BBII), beginning with the background. The first prompt is to make a different style centerpiece, focusing on a pieced look rather than applique, and to choose one of the pieced elements of our first Bramble Blooms quilt (BBI). The suggestion was corner blocks from the first quilt's border.
Unfortunately, I only have one of those left (and some other random bits) due to the fact that I created them from a vintage skirt and all those particular bits have been used up. But the idea in making them was to string-piece them from the skirt, so I borrowed that idea and began string-piecing my centerpiece.
I did use a one-inch strip of red fabric from the skirt as the center string in each 6.5-inch string-pieced block. The rest of the strings were scavenged from light value scraps in the stash. Pieced on phone book pages, per my usual M.O. I ended up with this. I'd have liked to maybe have it one row longer (hence rectangular vs. square), but that seemed to throw off the overall design. So this is what it is, and I'm okay with it for now.
I could perhaps add a top and bottom border to push it toward rectangular. I have a couple of random pieces left from BBII that I tossed up on the design wall to better visualize the possibility (not pictured). But I think I'll wait and see what the next prompt brings, in case there may be a different/better use for those remaining pieces. I can decide then.

Are you working on a second Bramble Blooms quilt?  



Juliann said...

I am! And l love the low volume center with that red strip.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Fun to get a peek at BB1 while you're introducing us to BB2! Your string pieced center for #2 is gorgeous!

Michelle said...

What fun! You are off to a beautiful start.

Quilting Babcia said...

You have a great start on BB2. Looking forward to seeing how this develops after Audrey gives us the next prompt. I am continuing with BB2, always hoping to add a new skill and get insights from Audrey's work as well as the other participants in the QAL.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Loving what you have so far, a great start.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful start - and no, I am not making a BB quilt. I started the first one and decided something had to give and my BB projects became the sacrificial projects. sigh.