Having to eat both gluten-free and dairy-free is challenging, but once I got past the initial learning curve (and grief process) about no longer being able to eat things like wheat, rye, barley, milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, I soon realized that there is still a whole big world of food out there. Thank goodness, because I like to eat, and I like to eat things that taste great.
Both the incidence and awareness of food intolerances seems to be on the rise. Maybe you know someone who has a food sensitivity, celiac disease, or maybe autism spectrum disorder, all of which can mean a significant modification in diet.
So I wanted to tell you about a dairy-free chocolate pudding recipe I stumbled upon recently that sounded so bizarre I just had to try it. It turned out to be so good, I had to share!
I followed the recipe posted by Erin at M.A.G., which she had modified from the original at Rice of Life. I adjusted it so that it made four servings instead of six, since it's just the hubs and me at home.
Check out the ingredients:
I know, right? Avocados and prunes? Trust me, it really works!
Scoop two ripe avocados into the bowl of your food processor.
Drain and add the softened prunes, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1/3 cup of agave syrup.