I'd been meaning to do a giveaway here before Christmas, so it made sense to link up. Welcome faithful friends and visitors alike!
As much as I love to sew, I also love thrifting and finding interesting vintage items. So my giveaway today is for six half-yard cuts of vintage fabrics from my treasure hunting, along with "Pieces of Time," a 2012 Calendar featuring vintage fabric illustrations by Erin Ink Design. Click the link to see more views of this cute 6x9 inch calendar in her Etsy shop.
Erin also sells fabulous Pyrex inspired note cards and other beautifully illustrated items. (Yes, I have Pyrexia too!)
The fabrics are all 100% cotton and there is one-half yard of each. Note that because these are vintage, they measure approximately 34-35 inches wide from selvage to selvage, instead of the modern day 40-42 inches wide. All have been prewashed and pressed.
Here are the giveaway details:
* This giveaway is open until December 16, 2011 at 7:00 CST. I will ship internationally.
* Winner will be selected at random and notified by email.
* To enter, leave a comment answering the following question: If you could change one thing about how you celebrate the holidays, what would it be? (Shop less? Eat more? Do more for charity? Forget the snow and fly to Mexico?)
* Please include your email address in your comment, or make sure your reply contact setting is not set to "no reply."
That's it! Thanks for visiting, and come back again sometime!
Good luck, and have fun exploring the other giveaways at Sew, Mama, Sew!
1 – 200 of 272 Newer› Newest»Happy Holidays!Great give-away. Those fabrics are gorgeous.
If I could, I would turn back the clock to when we were all together for the holidays...its not going to be the same this year. (Skype is not quite reality!)
Amazing fabrics! I love your taste. Thank you for the great giveaway. Crossing my fingers ;).
What would I do differently? Start the sewing/crafting earlier.
xo -E
I would go all out
I would have the family all together!
I would shop and buy less and keep Christ the center of our family celebration.
Love your giveaway! If I had to change something, maybe squirrelling away some extra cash during the rest of the year to relieve some of the pressure at Christmas!!
I would have all the family together. My daughter is in the Navy and she won't be home for the holidays :(
Love the vintage fabrics! Thanks for the chance and happy holidays to you and your loved ones!
have more family here would be nice
I would love to shop less and have more quality time with my familly. Thank you for the giveaway, lovely fabrics!.
Eat less.
Not have the Australian school year finish in the same month! Makes for a VERY busy time!
Oh my goodness! Those fabrics are gorgeous!!
If I could change one thing about the holidays it would be how far I live from my family. I never get to visit them (as I work in retail so end up working the day before and after Christmas boo!). They never really seem to be able to justify flying all the way out here either. ::sadface::
Awesome goodies :) I would fly away to the Caribbean for the holidays and forget everything else ...hehe
I'd have it snow on Christmas Day - I don't remember when it last did, even in years when there's been snow on the ground :)
Good stuff!
I'd spend it with the clan back in Nebraska and South Dakota:)
What gorgeous fabric!! I wish I could find vintage fabric like that... :) I would start making gifts sooner in the year so they actually get done and then I don't have to scramble to find gifts. Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway! :)
I would take all my family and fly down south where the weather is warmer. We'd stay there for a week or two :)
I usually don't like vintage fabric/sheet, but this sure looks really great ! I would have never guessed that it was vintage !
Thanks for sharing your finds with us !
(I don't know if you know that but there is a group on Flickr about fabric and Pyrex and swapping...)
It's summer here, so would like to experience one white christmas at least.
If I could turn a knob somewhere, I would like to be able to experience the sheer joy and expetant nerves, i felt when I was around 6 years old - when christmas eve was the most exciting thing ever! Just to try and feel taht one again....
dorte_dk (at) yahoo.dk
BEAUTIFUL fabrics!!!!!! I would be closer to my sister. I miss her a lot during the holidays. Thanks for a great giveaway!!!
I would go and visit my family (they live over 1000km away) but unfortunately I will not be able. Have to stay in Germany this year.
Thank you for the chance to win those wonderful fabrics!
I wish I could get my kids to understand "charity" more. They are only 3 and 5, so they just don't get that some kids don't get anything for Christmas. It's something we're working on! Thanks!
I would just like my family to be here with me. I live away for everyone so it is often very lonely at Christmas.
I would love to have more with extended family to just hang out...sometimes there is so much planning and preparing. Looking forward to some fun this weekend!
Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
I'd have the whole family in one place so we didn't have to split holidays (ex: Thanksgiving with my family, Christmas with my husband's folks). Maybe next year!
yay P! vintage giveaway!! i wish i could RELAX more about the holidays!! no more fretting if x will like the gift, or if i will get something done in time, or if family will argue...i just worry myself silly at the holidays! wish i could make that stop!! lovely giveaway!
i'd also like to not spilt holidays and have everyone together and id like to have more time! more time to bake, shop, wrap as well as donate it to help others!
What gorgeous fabrics, P.! I love that you found them while thrifting - vintage is the best!! I would probably want to shop less - it seems like we spend all our time at Christmas in stores, when we could be spending it making cookies instead!! But seriously, it has gotten awfully commercial - I'm for all handmade gifts next year! (oops - better start now!)
Have a tree! My husband is very against having a tree right now and I desperately want one.
If I could change one thing it would be to spend each Christmas with both of our girls and their families. We are all together so rarely anymore. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!
I like the fly to mexico option. :) Sometimes the stress is a bit much.
This is my first Christmas where I have to split time between my family and my fiance's. I wish that it weren't so hard to split the time evenly!
I would want all my loved ones that have gone on to Heaven to be here. Cute cute fabric! quiltexas@gmail.com
Hmmm . . . I think I'd wish that my brother could join the rest of the family in the UK this year, instead of being stuck in NZ by himself!!
Thanks for the giveaway
Sarah @ http://kiwigetscrafty.blogspot.com
The one thing I would change about the holidays is being so far away from the rest of my family! Thank you for the giveaway!
I'd like to be more "present" instead of rushing around, and I'm hoping that one day we'll be able to just stay home and celebrate by ourselves.
I would finish my Christmas projects sooner! Waiting until the last minute to bind a quilt is not the easiest way to enjoy your loved ones company :)
get away from gifts more and focus on others even more than we do :)
I would make it so that we could be with both my husband's parents AND my parents and all of our siblings, too. jinglesells at gmail dot com
This year, I am cahnging the way I don Christmas because I won't be going home for the first time. No tree, no decorations, no gifts to buy, no shopping malls to make it through, and no need to drive all over the city. It will be a nice quiet little feast for just the two of us.
If I could change one thing, it would be to limit myself as to how handmade gift projects I take on as soon as Dec. rolls around. I see great tutorials on blogs, think, "Wow! The girls would love that!" and add it to my list. My list grows longer and longer, and once I commit (even if only to myself) to making something, I have to follow through. I end up overwhelmed, rushed, and not enjoying the process of crafting & creating. If I set a # for Christmas gifts, then print tutorials for the rest and make them after the holidays to give at the girls' birthdays or as 'just because' gifts, that should help... Thank you for the chance to win. I love vintage fabric, and the bright floral is so adorable kitschy, I could make the cutest pot holders & oven mitts with these fabrics!
my boyfriend and i don't celebrate the holidays but one thing i wish we'd keep is xmas dinner. i do love a good home cooked meal.
I love Christmas and the one thing I started doing this year was less shopping and concentrating on the real meaning of Christmas.
Hahaha, I would love to just drop it all and go somewhere warm with just my little family. Good idea, but somehow, too expensive for us. Sigh.
I would like to shop more in store and make more handmade gifts. I get caught into this vortex of shopping when I shop online and I can't stop! Paypal makes it way too easy lol
less shopping & less eating.
thank you.
Thanks for a fabulous giveaway! I would like to do more charity throughout the holidays (and the year) and involve my boys and share with them the true spirit of the season.
Shop less and make more! but that would mean being more organised and starting earlier!
Wow! Cool fabrics! If I could change one thing, it would be to spend less time running around, and more time at home with my family. Thank you!
Have it be more God oriented:)
That calendar looks divine!
I'd like to feel less obligation to have gift exchanges with SO many people. And those vintage fabrics are very cool!
Sweet giveaway !!!
I might have a time machine. Or maybe a Star Trek tele-porter so the years and miles wouldn't matter ... everybody could gather for Christmas.
But for a more reality-based idea ... I would get my priorities straight all year, so I could enjoy December more and people could enjoy Me more in December.
I would change the protein served at our dinner. I'm the only one who doesn't care for crab and prime rib.
I wish I had more will power to eat less! Thank you for the great giveaway. mamalusco at ortelco dot net
Eat less an do more hands on for charity. We adopt a family or donate to toys for tots but want to be more involved in the next year.
I`d like to be able to stop worrying about what other people think. If I want to spend Christmas alone and not listen to everyone one fighting I should be allowed.
If I could I would make Christmas time with only handmade gifts or gifts only for the under 20.
We are almost getting there!
I would try to remember to order my Christmas cards in November so that I would have time to write a personal message in each one. Thanks for the great give away! Happy holidays to you.
Oh my gosh P . Your fabrics are gorgeous. I'm chucking my hat in the ring.
If I could change one thing about Christmas celebrations I'd ask for a white Christmas just once. I want to know what it's like to do Christmas when it's cold outside instead of our usual 100F. I'm also busting to make a snow angel.
Thanks for hosting.
LOVE the vintage fabrics. If I could change one thing about Christmas this year, since I just moved to PA, it would be able to go back to NC to be with my church. Maybe Easter though? Thanks for the chance to win.
I wish there was more time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I could enjoy getting ready for Christmas for a longer time period.
Definitely give more and receive less.
It is sad to say that this year I'd like to skip the whole thing? I've gotten a late start, I don't want to shop....I feel all Scrooged up. Bah-humbug and such! LOL! I'd like to go back to when I was a child and the anticipation, excited and magic of Christmas were still there.
We are changing how we celebrate this year. I've always gone to my mom's house for Christmas, but this year everyone is coming to my house. That way we don't have to travel with a baby.
I would love to give more to charuty and to be able to instill that in my kids
I'd have a white Christmas every year!
Definitely do more for charity.
Have more time for crafting... okay.. it is not really while christmas... but there are so many little things i know would be loved and I just can't make for christmas due to time :/
Cleaner house! Thanks!
Awesome fabrics!! Thank you for the giveaway^^
euhh if I could change just one thing it's to sent the happy year card by Mail-Post one month before to make sure that it will not arrived too late...
e-mail: fazou14@hotmail.com
My family is in England and my husbands are in Australia, I would make sure we could always get together with both sets so our boys enjoyed a big family get together and no one had to miss out
I would hire a private jet so I could fly to see my family without all the chaos. Hmmm. Probably not happening anytime soon!
I would love to convince my husband to go skiing.
rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would be able to take more days off of work to spend with my family!
I would do more for charity. My kids are not quite old enough to understand that idea, but in the next few years I really want to make that part of the holidays for our family.
More time with my family!
I would do more for charity - I keep saying I will and then time gets away from me and the holiday is over. I do things at other times of year, but this is a busy time of year - I need to make more time.
Fun! I'd change all the crazy stress that goes with it all. Every year I say it won't happen, and then it does. Maybe Mexico isn't such a bad idea:)
I would be less stressed about stuff! I am getting better! I would like to have one VERY quiet Christmas one of these days without tons of visitors. Selfish, I know! :(
See more family.
mtrand2 at gmail dot com
Great giveaway! I love the vintage fabrics. If I could do something a little differently around the holidays, it would be more "family" time doing things together instead of it being all me.
Make it less about gifts (I'm way too greedy) and more about the story behind Christmas. I do love time with family, so that's one thing I'm doing right!
Hmmm, I'd make my husband learn to love Christmas as much as I do!!! :)
I wish my husband had the ability to have time off around Christmas. He works in retail and we hardly see him during the Holiday season!
I would be more organized so I could enjoy the time more, instead of rushing around at the last minutes!
Thanks for the chance, lovely fabrics.
next year I`ll start earlier to sew the christmasgifts, not finished yet...
Liebe Grüße
Turn back the clock perhaps, or iron out the divisions, mend broken relationships with the super glue of forgiveness..drench all the ailing spirits with a flood of harmony anything to bring us all together as the one we truly are.
How generous to give away your 'finds'.. these are nicer than any I ever come across! I would love to have the tradition to go to the snow for the holidays, but without the hassle of travel and packing.... teleporting would be good... beem me up Scotty.
What wonderful fabrics! I love vintage also. If I could change one thing, it would be to do my shopping in January and now that I can make gifts, have them done by July. That way I can concentrate on decorating and time with family.
I would arrange to do more charity work in advance, send out Christmas cards with lovely family notes and pictures to family members I haven't seen in many years, beg for snow from the clouds above and have dinner catered:) The last and final wish would be to be satisfied and not caught up with the materialism (which gets better each year in reality)
I would get rid of the grouchy, cranky people or find a way for them to be more joyful. Bumping into these stressed out shoppers makes this time of year hard.
i always say to myself... shop less, do MORE charity! thanks
The biggest thing I would change about the holidays would be to have more time off work. I only get Christmas day off.
If it were up to me and it's not, I would get a real tree....a huge noble fir.
Oh, I would definitely make it less about materialistic gain and more about just being together. =) I get sick of shopping...and spending so much money!
I don't celebrate Christmas so nothing to change.
i'd like to spread out the celebrating to a week so there's less pressure to fit it all in in a couple days.
I wish I could spend every Christmas with my family instead of just once every three years.
instead of having to celebrate via video chat with my family back home, I would have us all together.
Pyrexia! Love it. Love thrifting too. Definently i would change people's crummy attitudes, buy more, be rude, pepper spray. Its out of control
If I could change one thing, it would be to do less gifts with my husband's side of the family, Christmas is about so much more than the presents!
I would spend it with more family, but we live so far away that is hard...that would be my dream.
Do more for charity. Thanks for the gentle reminder ;)
Thanks for having such a nice giveaway!!! Your question has got me thinking and I think what I would most like to change is to forget about presents, or maybe just one present for each son now that they are a little older. Thanks again.
More handmade less store bought.
I want to eat less.
Thanks for the chance to win ^^v
I would start sewing my handmade gifts earlier! :)
I would take time to make everyone a gift so they are stuck with whatever I give them and they can't return it! Muahaha!
I would make more for Christmas - and get more that was made. I really enjoy crafting gifts, and receiving crafted gifts as well.
I would give the money spent on gifts to charity and the time spent shopping on volunteering
I would have a longer time to spend with family and not feel rushed.
I got a little emo when I read your question. I wish i could spend more time with family. Especially my children.
skowens (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
I think I'd like to go nuts with the decorating. We are too subdued, I think, and I'd love to have beautiful things set up in every single room.
Thank you for the chance to win those great prizes! I've never had vintage fabric before unless it's already been sewn into a quilt. :)
I would simplify the holidays - less decorating, less spending, more time with family and friends.
Lovely selection you put together. I also love fabric + vintage, and now doilies have crept into the mix!
I have to echo an earlier poster, if I could celebrate the holidays differently, I would turn back time so my whole family could be together easier.
I would love to celebrate Christmas with all my family members. We are split and live away a long distance. So I only see a few of them.
Great fabrics.
I actually implemented the changes I wanted to make this year - told the kids they are free to start their own traditions without feeling guilty if they choose not to spend the holidays with me. I hated feeling split between families every year.
Lovely fabrics! If I could, I would magically zap all our family together for christmas. we are all spread out so we won't be seeing eachother this holiday, except for using Skype.
Lovely giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!
I think if I could change it, I would have all my family together on one day. We usually do a spread out kind of thing crossing over a few days, but it would be nice to put them all together just once.
I would give myself more energy so I don't feel so worn out through the holiday season!
I have linked up with this give away too, so pop over to my blog and say hello when you get a minute
Beautiful fabric!
I wouldn't change a thing. Me and my husband don't have any children together so we spend the christmas holidays how we want to anyway
If I could chance one thing it would be all the obligations! Sometimes I just want to sit at home in my PJs during the holidays and watch movies! I don't want to go to my Uncle's wife's parents house for Christmas dinner - I just don't want to!!
Aside from that I wouldn't really change much - it's pretty good as is!
Go to Alaska so my kids could be with their Grandparents.
Wow! What a generous giveaway!
Um yes, definitely flee the cold weather. Lately, I find myself dreaming of Nevada, Arizona, Texas....
If I could change one thing, it would be to live closer to my family.. It would also be nice to celebrate it with a little one :)
Add an extra hour to the day for a nap. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!
If I could change one thing it would be to relax and spend more time with my little family before the holidays...it seems there are so many things to do before Christmas that we all seem to get lost in the shuffle...basically to just relax and go slower.
If I could change one thing it would be to celebrate the holidays at home instead of having to travel to our families homes. Thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Not so much appointments ! More free time for me, the girls and my husband.
I wish i could make the days last longer. It seems like you plan for so long and it goes by so quickly. Thank you for the chance to win
If I could change one thing, I'd rather do with less gifts and doing more for others. There's such a focus on getting the right gift and making sure you have enough gifts. I'd rather give more to charities and those in need!
I wish I could have days off work. But being a musician, that's not going to happen.
I wish my kids' cousins lived closer so that we could have a big family get-together with lots of kids. Those are some really beautiful fabrics! Merry Christmas!
I should have a supergreat Christmas tree, we have none, the house is little and there is a black labrador in th house.....
Make it a 100% Handmade.
I wish the two sides of the family lived closer. The distance means less time spent at each and more stress traveling
Sit back and enjoy it more. It never really feels like Christmas until the actual day and I wish I could enjoy it more leading up.
If I could change one thing about the holidays, it would be to make it colder! I live in south Texas and it rarely feels like Christmas should! I'd love for it to snow!!
Honestly, I would love to spend Christmas at Disney World. Maybe one day :)
Stress less! I love the details, but I worry about them which makes things a bit less fun. I'm trying to stress less this year!
I'd take my whole family up to a secluded mountain cabin and we'd just enjoy one another with no electronic devises, phones, or work to think about :)
I would live in Oregon near my family so I wouldn't have to travel, we would already be right there!
I wish everyone could come home for the holidays.
Hi! Thank you for sharing those really wonderful fabrics! I would love to spend the Christmas with my family but it's not easy when living in an other country.
Merry Christmas from Greece!
If I could change one thing it would be to make the Christmas season last longer and I do not mean the commercial side of it.
FABulous giveaway! I would definitely DECORATE EARLIER! :) We always decorate at the last minute and have our tree up until mid January. lol! And it's always a bit of a rush :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'd give more to charity. Seems everyone in the family really has everything they could possible want. It'd be nice to make donations to those less fortunate rather than buy unwanted, or unneeded gifts for family. Am I a scrooge?
I would work less and spend more time with the family!
I would love to experience a White Christmas. It is summer here in Australia so no Snow for me here.
You know how you make a wish before you blow out the candles? Well, that's how this wish is being made, just entering your give-away. Thank you for that opportunity!! I wish the obligation to be as busy as you can be, preparing for Christmas, could be done away with. That would remove so much guilt from everyone, I think. Thanks again!
If I could change one thing it would be to have my sister here, she passed away 8 years ago. Every year as I get things ready I wish she were here to be a part of all the fun and to see my kids faces Christmas morning.
I would choose less gifts. I feel like we give to much "stuff" anyway. I would prefer to just leave the gift stress behind and just visit.
Thanks for the giveaway! robyn(dot)geddes(at)gmail(dot)com
That's what you call it, Pyrexia? hahaha, I may have a touch of that. I love the vintage fabrics. I would make the holidays have days with no wet (rain, snow on the ground) so that there could be group bike riding. While we're at it I would close down the major street by my house to cars and have a bicycle parade day of joyful exercise.
I would keep things a bit more simple. I tend to plan big and stress myself out.
As long as we have no snow and no drama at Christmas, thats good enough for me.
I would want everyone to make a small gift for family, not purchase them... The fabrics are beautiful - I especially love the gray fabric!! Thanks you!
I would rework the house to better accomodate a Christmas tree with presents and more dining table space. We can only fit a tiny tabletop tree and and it's a tight squeeze with the dining table for the family meal. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am trying to shop less and make more handmade, but find it difficult to do for the men in the family.
If I could change Christmas, I wouldn't allow any advertising. We need to take back the REASON for this season of blessing... the birth of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Out with all the commercialism! Thanks for this chance to win your giveaway. You're a sweetie.
the holidays are perfect except for the fact that they end far too quickly. so my wish would be more time to spend with my family before returning to work
I would try to slow down and savor every moment, because time really flies these days! Thanks for the chance to win! ellen@myerly.net
i love the get away for the holidays..i think id have more fun:) raineoc@yahoo.com
i wish i had more time off to relax and spend with my family
I wish that I would win the big tree/small tree argument more often (I'm all for the big trees!)
I wish that I would win the big tree/small tree argument more often (I'm all for the big trees!)
If I could do anything differently, it would be to get a better head start on things! Thanks for the giveaway!
If I could change one thing it would be to be able to share christmas with my children and my mom and all my siblings and their families. It has never happened and it would be fun. Love love the vintage fabric!
I would have a real Christmas tree instead of an artificial one. The smell of a real tree cant be beat. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail.com
If I could do one thing different it would have been to get a earlier start on making gifts for Christmas. I'll do better next year!
I would love a "warm Christmas" one year!
If I could, I'd plan more downtime during the holidays - I sometimes find them overwhelming.
Thanks for the chance! I would LOVE to do more for charity. In any way I can. Also, shop less/worry less about what to buy.
Great fabrics. I fall into a workout rut during the winter and especially over the holidays, so I'm going to say workout more...maybe eat less too...maybe.
I have to confess that I really don't look forward to shopping for presents and I wish (at least among the adults I know and love) that we could skip store bought and do something else to show how much we care. That would be quite the relief and joy!
Great giveaway! And I love the creative questions. It makes this more fun.
One thing I'd change is I'd entertain more.
More time to make presents. Christmas arrives so quickly I always seem to run out of time! Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway!
I'd love to shop less but give more - more time together. and also procrastinate less. Thanks for the chance to win. :) ryansarahn(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to go away with my husband and 4 kids, somewhere where there is less hype about Christmas!
Thank you for running this giveaway. I would somehow have all my partner's extended family agree to no presents for adults (or even a Kris Kringle sort of arrangement to get just 1 adult something really special), and that would really reduce the pre-Christmas shopping and stress!
WoW, such a great giveaway. I really wish I could get more into the spirit - maybe decorate more
Not that I can personally change it, but I would love to have snow around this time of year!
Those are gorgeous fabrics! I'd be better organised and make more presents, and make less at the last minute!
I just wish food consumption was not connected to weight gain during the holidays. :)
Eat less, for sure!
I would make dec. last for two months so I had time to do all the fun stuff I wanted to !
If I could I would start everything earlier as I always want to have more free time to watch Christmas movies, go to more CHristmas concerts, bake more ahead of time.
Thought-provoking prompt! The first thing that pops into my mind is that I wish I could convince my mom to slow down and spend more time with my sisters and me when we're home for the holidays. She's always so busy, bustling around with various holiday tasks: shopping for the perfect gifts, writing out a ton of Christmas cards, baking cookies, etc. By the end of the day, she's exhausted and falls asleep when we're gathered around to watch a movie of play board games together. Every year, we beg her to relax and enjoy her time off... maybe this will be the year she'll listen to us?!
Hope you have a relaxing holiday season! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
Love those fabrics! I would celebrate in the summer instead of winter so we could get out and do more with our family! christina112358 at gmail dot com
Stay home more, and get my parents to buy gifts that don't require batteries for my 2yr old.
mindfulhome at gmail dot com
I would love to be able to travel great distances in a wink and be able to visit both families. Mine is based in Namibia (2000km from here) and hubby's is here in Cape Town. We take turns, but it would be grand to fit them all in every year. Realistic change? More glitter. I hate crafting with it, but it looks oh so pretty :)
Thank you for a great giveaway and the chance to win.
Oooh I love forget the snow and fly to Mexico. Anywhere with sun would be better than dreary old UK.
Lovely fabrics,and calender looks amazing,thanks fro chance to win it.Wish we could go on vacation for the holidays,that would be great>
Happy holidays!!
I would turn back time so that I could have my youngest with us still with out having to go put flowers on his grave on Christmas morning
Such pretty fabrics. I'd like to ask my grandparents about their lives.
Hmm, I think I would require that all gifts are handmade. :) I'm sure the guys in my family wouldn't like it, but how fun would that be?
i would want make the gifts instead of buying them. Thanks for the chance to win :-) jjjcwebb (at) Hotmail d0t com
I would focus more on the real meaning of Christmas, I wish I had early in my life
I would like to do more for others. Volunteering, adopting a needy family, something to take the focus off of us and what we get. I am still trying to figure out how to do that with 6 small kiddos. Thanks for the chance to win.
If I could change anything about the holiday (Chanukah in our case), I would change how frying latkes makes your house smell for days afterwards! Thanks for the chance at that sweet bundle (I remember when fabric came in 36" width - does that mean I am vintage, lol?)
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