Here we are in a new year. I like to imagine it stretching out before us like a winding path.
What will we encounter along the way? Will it be smooth or tricky to navigate? Likely some of each.
We can only see so far ahead, but it isn't always clear.
I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do spend some time thinking about the past year, what I've learned and what I'm grateful for, and noting where I can do better.
I am optimistic about 2021, and I know that it will bring more opportunities to practice presence, patience, creativity, kindness, resilience, and gratitude.
We were able to get together on Christmas with my daughter and her partner, Chris. It was a very 2020 Christmas, and we took precautions, wearing masks and social distancing to the extent possible. I put all three leaves in the dining room table, and the four of us sat at opposite ends during dinner.
It was great to celebrate the holiday with them. Even though they live less than an hour away, we hadn't seen each other in several months, when we'd been able to meet for outdoor dining in warmer weather.
Among other things, my husband surprised me on Christmas with a vintage paint-by-number for my collection. It's really well done, and I love it!
I treated myself to some raspberry goodness. I added these to my grocery pickup order a couple weeks ago.
I love raspberry flavored tea and coffee, but since I drink a special low acid decaf coffee, I thought I'd give this flavoring a try. It's perfect! About four or five drops in a cup of coffee (or glass of iced tea) is all it takes.
Yesterday we ventured out to a thrift store. We've really been limiting trips to stores, and for me this was only the second time I'd been in a store since Thanksgiving. But I wanted to find a couple t-shirts with at least 5% spandex that I could cut into strips for making the ear loops for masks. I'd used up the versatile gray t-shirt I was cannibalizing for ear loops, and although I don't need to make any masks right now, I still get requests from friends or family from time to time, so wanted to have supplies on hand.
I found a gray and a black t-shirt, so that was mission accomplished. I also found some nice fabric! I was thrilled to discover this little cache of greens. Less than $4 for over two yards' worth. Not bad!
My husband directed my attention to a vintage Pfaff 130 sewing machine at the thrift store. Oh, it was tempting! I have more than enough machines in my stable already, but she was sure pretty.
(Hutch in kitchen decorated for the season) |
Today feels like the holidays are well and truly over, although I've still got all the decorations up yet.
(Orange almond cake with cranberry curd) |
The rich foods have been eaten, what was left in the fridge and pantry.
(Pecan snowballs) |
I've got some organizing type projects on my mind, as well as sewing ideas. I've joined The Joyful Quilter's Table Scraps Challenge.
(Frosty trees outside my window today) |
Before I go, I wanted to mention a documentary on Gordon Lightfoot that I watched on Amazon Prime a couple weeks ago. I didn't know much about him personally until I saw it, but I remember his popular songs back in the 1970s. I had the album Gord's Gold (greatest hits) that I played the heck out of back in my college days. The music in this documentary took me right back to that time, and I really enjoyed learning more about the interesting career of a talented artist. You might, too.
So glad you got to see Michelle & Chris! Those greens are lovely. Always nice to be able to add to the stash so inexpensively. Thanks for the mention of the Gordon Lightfoot documentary. Dan and I will watch it at some point.
Score at the thrift store! I love a good deal. I saw Gordon Lightfoot while I was in college. Always a favorite!
Oh those thrift shop greens look does your orange almond cake with cranberry curd! I don't do resolutions either, but I di make a list of things I'd like to work on. I was rather amazed at the length & breadth of it this year! If I can achieve even a couple things on the list I'll be doing good.
Wishing you all the best this year!
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