Back when I worked in a cubicle, I didn't like Mondays. These days, although I may complain about working on the weekend, Mondays are all right by me. They're usually my slow day, until evening. An anything goes kind of day, time to catch up on housework, reading, paying bills, errands, shopping Goodwill's 50% off sales, and, yes, sewing.
I finished this mini today, inspired by the vintage covered sugar bowl I found about a week ago at the thrift store.
Me and Juki Jane became reacquainted when it came time to quilting. It was awkward at first. I should have made a peace offering of some kind, blew the dust off her or at least given her a squirt of lube after all this time, but no. The P. did not stand for patience today.
It's no wonder she fussed and made big eyelashes on the back side on the first attempt at little curlicues. She complained about the thread. There was not enough tension, then too much. And as for my part, I could not seem to settle into a rhythm with stitch length or speed.
(Flip side) |
Still, we got the job done, compromising on a meander with standard thread. I only sewed my Supreme Slider onto it once. Nothing a seam ripper and a little Scotch tape (on the slider) couldn't fix.
Binding was uneventful, I am happy to report. Nearly plum perfect, in fact.
Ah, home sweet home. Where the heart is, the house, and the hedges, not to mention the horse, prancing up on the sugar bowl there.
You might not want to use it for sugar, but I'm thinking you could put almost anything in this little covered dish—jellybeans, buttons, jewelry, pocket change, love notes. Maybe a little votive candle. A hearth for the home.
You know, life is sweet. I've been on the receiving end of much generosity and goodwill this past year, and I so appreciate the creative community, even though I've been somewhat sidelined and sidetracked lately with other things. So with a case of the warm fuzzies (and I'm not talking about
my mouth, which is a wee bit better lately, thanks), and as a small way to pay it forward...
I'd like to give this set away! [Edited to add: Giveaway is now closed.]
That means the mini, which measures roughly 10 inches square, and the covered sugar bowl. Simply leave a comment, telling me what you might put in this little dish, or any other sweet nothing you might want to say. I will draw a winner on Saturday 8/25 at noon Central Time.
If you don't want to enter the giveaway but would like to leave a
comment, just mention "no thanks" or "pass" or something so I
Please make sure your email address is linked to your comment profile, or type it out in your comment. I need to be able to contact the winner by reply email or I will re-draw.
Thank you, and good luck!